FAQs About Infinity Hospice Care

Hospice is only for Cancer patients?

Thanks to the education efforts of hospice programs across the country, the national percentage of non malignant hospice admissions has risen. However many consumers are not aware of this and more education is needed, especially by the medical community. Patients and their families need to know that while hospice programs have their own admission criteria; Infinity Hospice Care is non-discriminatory even in end stage diagnosis.


Hospice is only for people that are close to death or actively dying?

The fact is that it takes several days to two weeks for the patient/family to fully appreciate the benefits of all the services that hospice has to offer. In a recent study the most common statement made by families was, “We wish we knew about you sooner!”


Do I have to give up my primary care physician?

Infinity Hospice Care encourages the primary physician to be part of the Interdisciplinary Care Team and continue to see the patient. We supplement rather than replace the primary physician and will even provide transportation to the physician’s office for patients who are otherwise unable to get there.


Does hospice take the place of my family or caregiver?

No, hospice cares for the family as well as the patient by providing emotional and spiritual support to ensure quality of life for everyone involved in the care.


Will hospice take the place of my family?

With a true managed focus, the Interdisciplinary Team involves the family in the plan of care and provides support and assistance to the family. Hospice helps to “mend fences” and attempts to reunite family members in as much as they are able. We are there to support the family system in the care of the patient.


Is my doctor the only one who can make the Hospice referral?

The fact is that anyone can make a hospice referral. An educated consumer is more aware of choices about health care and can ask for information at any time about health care and can ask for information at any time about hospice services. The hospice personnel will contact the physician’s office to ascertain medical information and to determine appropriateness of care and obtain orders.


Aren’t all hospice programs alike?

While it is true that all Medicare Certified Hospice Programs follow the same rules to earn their certification, there can be significant differences in admission criteria and follow up care options. At Infinity Hospice Care we are completely non-discriminatory in disease process; approve of certain palliative treatment options; include the primary physician in our plan of care; and seek to raise the standard of hospice care throughout our service area.


I am on a fixed income and with all the services offered, hospice care must be expensive?

Hospice care is covered 100% by Medicare. Most private insurances have added some form of coverage for palliative end-of-life care. Unlike home health, whose services generally decrease over time, hospice care increases as the patient’s condition warrants additional care. This support helps to alleviate the frequent need for unnecessary hospitalizations which tend to escalate in the last year of life.

Infinity Hospice Foundation

The Infinity Hospice Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education to Physicians, caregivers and family members of the terminally ill regarding hospice and palliative care.



Home Care Services

Infinity Hospice Care enhances the quality of a patient’s life


Make a Referral

Medical treatment decisions are a matter of personal choice